Ancient Wisdom – Always Relevant
by Barbette SpitlerPassion for Peace?
by Barbette SpitlerAs each election year approaches, I am fascinated to witness the changes in personality of so many people. Often, people who seem kind and thoughtful and even generous are… until someone with different political views joins the discussion. I am amazed and disheartened by those who will go out of their way to make fun of or put down the other side. Not the “the other side” but the actual people who represent that other side! Half of the country has hateful names for Republicans and half of the country has hateful names for Democrats. And often, those same people, when not talking politics, say they want peace, harmony and all good things. But if you truly want peace and harmony, how do you get there by bashing another for their political preferences? How is it okay to demean, dehumanize and demoralize another human being in one breath and then talk about how peace and harmony should reign in another breath? There is no commonality between the two.
We can’t get to “good” when we keep focusing on the negative. Whatever the politicians do or don’t do… We forget that WE – the people – are the ones who can make the difference. Not by pointing fingers but by coming together with a positive focus and then… we the people, make it happen.
We have become a nation that tolerates it’s ignorance, indifference, insensitivity and it’s inertia! We spend our time pointing fingers at who is responsible for what. We have lost our focus and what is best for us as a nation. We’ve let the politicians decide what is in our best interests as fed by the many lobbyists who wine and dine them. Is that okay with you??? Are you really satisfied with your government choosing your life and lifestyle for you?
Mess or Memories? Develop their Creativity or Stinkin’ Thinkin’ !
by Barbette Spitler
When People Show You Who They Are…..
by Barbette SpitlerMany years ago, I was in the front row to hear Maya Angelou! Her words of wisdom were profound and her presentation was delightful, thought provoking and…. for me… quite moving. She said some things that the audience found humorous and other statements that were met with the silence of significant thought. Other bits of wisdom were met with quiet conversations and remarks spoken in whispers.
One of her famous quotes came after she told a story. The story ended with her looking out into the audience and stating, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” I remember thinking to myself…”Well, that’s not fair! People can change.” I am one of those people! I was an unhappy teenager. I was angry about a multitude of things and was quite sure my entire future was doomed to be filled with continued trauma and drama. But, I changed. I changed my attitude, my perspective and my outlook and everything improved! Because it happened for me, I believe everyone wants to be happy and everyone will look for a pathway to make it so. Right?? Doesn’t everyone desire to be happy? Isn’t everyone willing to make changes to achieve a greater level of happiness??
Over the years after the event, I looked over my notes often. I agreed with her on every level and every point, except that one statement. I always believed people can and want to improve their life and their outlook. I had a fundamental belief that no one truly wants to hurt or harm another. I believed it is our responsibility to and for others, to believe they can change and to support them as they do. It’s part of the reason I became a Health & Wellness Life Coach…. to assist those who are ready and willing and to provide the tools to make it easier and more efficient to find and keep a positive perspective.
Recently, I’ve revisited this pearl of wisdom from Maya. I’ve had to make a few changes to my belief system. I recognize that everyone can improve and have a metamorphosis which leads them to create a life of wonder and happiness and joy. I also recognize, for many people, it’s easier to blame others, complain and stay right where they are! And finally, I’ve had to realize that there are those who will give lip service to all the “right” things and their actions tell quite the different story. Actions speak LOUDER than words ever will. When the actions are not in alignment with the verbiage – listen to the actions/behavior. What people do and how they do it is more expressive of their intention than their words.
When people show you who they are, do you believe them the first time? Do you allow for the possibility they may change and become more focused on love and service to others rather than self-service. Or do you take your first impression of them and assign it to them permanently? Do you believe people can change and improve?
I think we have to be mindful of what people show us and allow for it to improve. But don’t assume it will …. and don’t be disappointed when they show you who they really are! We all have free will and get to choose our attitude and behaviors. We can’t be disappointed if we have no expectation of another person’s way of being. Thus we cannot be disappointed when someone shows us who they really are….
What is Energy Medicine?
by Barbette SpitlerI get a lot of questions about energy medicine… In a nutshell…. Energy Medicine is based on physics rather than biochemistry. Physics is the study of energy. You remember from high school? Physics does not override biochem. It DRIVES it! Biology and Chemistry behave according to the laws of physics. The human body is made of energy. ALL matter has energy! IF you have ever had an x-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, EKG, EEG, EMG, laser surgery, etc… they are all done using energy!
Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of a singular body system. My friend, Christina Ross,compares western medicine to auto mechanics, plumbers and electricians. It’s a GREAT analogy. The human body has bones (structure), digestive system (plumbing), and nervous system (electrical). Western medicine treats the body systems separately. If we have a heart problem we see a cardiologist. If we have a stomach problem we see a gastroenterologist. If we have a structure problem we see an orthopedist. Pharmaceuticals (medications) affect the chemical signals in the body and all medications have side effects meaning they affect (mostly negatively) other body systems because they interfere with the chemical signals of the body. Treating the body as if it is just a sum of it’s individual parts is not only inefficient it is often detrimental to the body as a whole.
Energy medicine recognizes ALL body systems are connected and strives to harmonize the entire energy system. When the body is in energetic balance, (then and only then) does the body heal itself. Energy medicine works with the electromagnetic signals of the body. Since every cell, tissue, muscle, bone, organ, blood… every part of the body is energy and therefore sending electromagnetic signals throughout the body – harmonizing them to balance is the most efficient way to heal the body. Since every part of the human body is interconnected and integrated with every other part of the human body – achieving balance in a body system also means achieving energetic balance to the whole.
In our culture, we think nothing of getting an X-ray nor do we understand fully how the energy of it works. We get an ultrasound and only care about the results and nothing about the energetics of how it works. We see our heart rate blipping on the monitor screen and don’t understand the science behind the graph. We are just happy to see the activity that indicates we have a beating heart! Measuring the brain waves (EEG) is yet another tool to measure energy waves and determine the brain activity. Each of these examples are an example of using energy for testing or reading the electrical signals within the body. We use these terms nearly every day yet we know little to nothing about the science of these tools which measure the energy within the body. But we do not question the validity!
Conventional medicine is newer in comparison to energy medicine. Pharmaceuticals have only been around for the last 60 years. Yet, energy medicine and hands on healing have been see in drawings dating back to 2700 BC. It is well studied and again I remind you…. there are no negative side effects. I’ve been told only Jesus heals… I submit to you that is wholly inaccurate! Every human body has the ability to heal itself. You have healed yourself of cuts, abrasions, broken bones, and many illnesses including influenza, colds, gastroenteritis, headaches, and many other interruptions of the human system. No medicine can cure you. No doctor can heal you. You heal yourself. Healing is made easier and much more efficient when you treat the body as a whole, recognize and harmonize the human energy system, and only use medications when truly necessary. Fortunately, medications are seldom truly necessary! Thankfully, we have the scientific understanding of energy medicine and it is available at our fingertips!
Change My Friends!?!?
by Barbette SpitlerChange My Friends?? But ONE friendship can change your whole world!
This weekend I heard a quote that caused me to pause a moment. I wrote it down. It was thought provoking. I’ve been pondering it all weekend. “If you can’t change your friends, it’s time to change your friends.”
I am an RN of 25 years who shifted to health & wellness advocate. My career is health promotion and disease prevention. I encourage people to take action to clean up their diets and learn to fuel their bodies with quality nutrition. I educate people about nature and nurture. I introduce people to holistic and complimentary supplements and modalities which will enhance their health and wellness. My wish for everyone is the best physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health possible. Yet, I recognize I am considered an odd ball in my circle of friends and family. I am often teased and many poke fun at me for my beliefs, my suggestions and my lifestyle. I am sometimes disappointed when I cannot affect change with/for them. I am aware some of my friends and family ignore me, thinking I am just sharing my opinions. However… I am schooled in nutrition. I have researched nutritional supplements and holistic methods. Thirty years ago my opinion was that food only needed to taste good! Fast forward through degree programs and research and I KNOW for certain, food is fuel! It is the major ingredient in our physical performance, our mental capabilities and our emotional balance. No Oreo or Dorito can provide that fuel and we are silly if we think it can or will!
I know people in my circle who don’t want to believe that food is the major player in allowing dis-ease or promoting good health. But change friends just because they don’t think the same as I? Change friends because they smoke or drink or carry around an extra 50 pounds? Change friends because I can’t influence them enough to want to enhance or improve their health?
Twice I was over 200#. Once was while pregnant with twins. I have carried extra weight and yo-yo dieted most of my life. I understand the addiction to sugar because I lived it. I attended Carbohydrates Anonymous (which I think is now known as Food Addicts Anonymous). I was addicted to Diet Pepsi. I totally understand the issues! AND…I am a nurse with over 25 years experience in ER, ICU, Home Care and Hospice. I have seen the affects of drug interactions, recreational drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and poor food choices. We humans want to think food is about “tastes good” rather than “fuels well”. We want to ignore the connection to what we put in our physical gas tank affects our physical, mental and emotional performance. Egads… how do we not SEE the connection?? For a long time, I didn’t! Yet, change my friends because they see things differently? Wouldn’t that be like changing my friends because they have different religious or political beliefs? I’m still pondering this….
I asked Damn-Near-Perfect (my husband of nearly 32 years) for his thoughts. His words of wisdom….”When you surround yourself with people who don’t believe you, don’t “get” you, and don’t want to hear what you have to offer, it hurts your heart and makes you doubt your place on the planet. When you surround yourself with people who think like you do, you will never again doubt yourself and what you do. ” WOW. WOW. WOW.
Deep Breath. A few tears. And now…..
Changes Ahead!!
Same-Sex-Marriage Causes the Decline of America?
by Barbette SpitlerWhy are so many American’s upset about the Supreme Court Ruling about Same-Sex-Marriage. If you aren’t Gay… why do you care? If you stand in your Christian faith, know this…. Absolutely nothing has changed in the Bible. God’s law (or your interpretation of it) is exactly the same as it was before the ruling. We are still responsible to live as God requests and to teach our children to do the same. We are still responsible to be kind and considerate. We are still responsible to be of love and service to our fellow man and spread love and peace throughout the land!
“UNFRIEND” Means Much More
by Barbette SpitlerI read a FaceBook post from a young lady who said a close family member had “unfriended” her. As I pondered this, I was mindful, there are always two sides to every story. I wondered about the other side of the story. I don’t remember any of her posts being inappropriate, so I looked through them to see if I missed something. I had not. Not one of her posts crossed any type of ethical or moral lines. Not even borderline. What type of message did the family member intend to send to her and why?
Pt 2 “Mom, You’re registered for a full marathon!” No way! Not me!! Never!
by Barbette SpitlerTwo weeks before the Air Force Marathon, September 2010, my husband and I visited our Air Force son, Cody, at his base in Biloxi, MI. While there, I just had to run along the flight lines. It was so cool!! I was really enjoying the jog/fast walk intervals. (I never really understood the difference between jog and run, but I am pretty sure as slow as I was going and the minimal distance I covered each time…it was jogging.) While we visited, Cody surprised me with the announcement he was coming home to run the FULL Air Force Marathon along with several of his friends. I was so excited to know they would all be on the course and having a new experience together! But I was in NO WAY interested in ever doing that!
During the half marathon, I had to make a quick potty stop. I drink plenty of water and I didn’t know to plan around the pee stops. There was a long line and it put me about 8 minutes behind Mary. I needed to catch up! So, I jogged until I found her. I don’t know what the distance actually was but I smiled often as I realized I was actually jogging a portion of a half marathon. I caught up with her and later, we crossed that finish line together and with great big smiles on our faces. We averaged 13 1/2 min/miles for the first 5-6 miles. We rocked!! I loved every minute and knew I wanted to do it again the next year. My son and his friends finished the full marathon. They were sore, they struggled up and down the stairs. I giggled at their misery. And I knew, I never needed to do that…ever!! Why?? Running (or jogging) 26.2 miles is just crazy! And look at how much pain it causes! Dah! Why would anyone sign up for that?
During the Christmas season, Cody announced he was being deployed to Iraq for most of 2011. He also announced that my Christmas gift was registration for the 2011 Air Force FULL Marathon. He promised he would train while in Iraq and he would be home in time to run the full marathon WITH me. My response….”What in our entire history together would ever give you the impression I wanted to or COULD do a full marathon!!??” I was shocked, scared, stunned, defiant, and confused all at the same time. But he was serious! His answer, “Mom, you fast-walked a half marathon already. Train to run a half marathon and even if you have to walk the rest, you will have finished a full marathon.” He talked. He coached. He promised. He even drew out a plan for how I could achieve it. He deployed and I started training. Why? Because I was determined to make him proud! I was excited he would be there with me. I wasn’t going to let him down. I knew the sacrifice he was making on this deployment. All I had to do was jog. So, I took the training very seriously. I surprised myself! My intervals lengthened. My determination heightened. My confidence increased. My excitement escalated. He coaches me very well! From Iraq, he coached me how to run up and down the hills which was something I struggled with and avoided. He taught me how the mind plays tricks on us while we run, but how we can play tricks right back.
Cody returned from Iraq about 10 days before the marathon. He knew there was no way he could in-process to the base and make it up to Ohio in time to run the marathon. What?? NO!! I was terrified. Now I would be alone! All my training runs had been alone but with the knowledge Cody would be with me at the marathon. Anxiety set it. Then…. I had this thought! Billy Ray Cyrus had this wonderful show called, “Surprise Homecoming”. I just knew Cody was really going to be at the marathon! I started having these fleeting thoughts and daydreams he would be there and at the finish line. It would be him who would put the medal around my neck. And….it was those thoughts that sustained me during the entire marathon. What a great show it would be…. Mom runs marathon for son. Son shows up from deployment and surprises Mom at the finish line. Whenever I felt overwhelmed with the remaining distance to run, I would think about that finish line and Cody waiting. And I’d be re-inspired and re-energized.
As I rounded that final curve, ran under the wings of those magnificent planes, and headed to the finish line I was almost smiling. I knew it was almost over and I had done it. But I also knew Cody would be waiting. I saw the lines of officers handing out the medals as the runners came across the finish line. I saw a young man in fatigues peak out from one of the officers and my heart jumped! Cody!?!? I headed to that chute. As I got closer, the young man peaked again. This time I was close enough to see his face. NO!! That’s not Cody!! I cross the finish line, get my medal and look for my husband. His smile melts my heart and I hold back the tears. HE is so proud I can feel it. We hug! I am shocked I did it. I actually ran a full 26.2 marathon Who does that? Who turns 50 and then decides to learn to run and then runs a marathon! He tells me to call Cody and let him know I finished. He hands me the phone but I can’t talk. Now the tears flow unrestrained. Within moments all four of our boys are calling or texting with congratulations. Both Cody and his twin brother, Britt, are ecstatic! They make me cry because they are so proud of me.
I ran a marathon! Really!!!
Oh…and that young man who was peaking out from behind the officer…he made the news! He was waiting for his girlfriend to cross the finish line. When she did, he proposed! Again, my heart melted!
Brittany Maynard and Lauren Hill. Same direction… two very different paths… Live it or Leave it?
by Barbette SpitlerBy now you’ve heard about Brittany Maynard. She is the 29 year old woman who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. She moved to a state that allows for Death with Dignity, a legal form of assisted suicide. She created a bucket list of wishes and scheduled her departure date. She was determined to end the journey before a possible massive stroke or other complications could erupt. Although there was no promise of these complications, she didn’t want to experience them or have her family witness them. She checked off the items on her bucket list and did so with gusto and dignity! She completed her death this past weekend. She chose to leave it when the timing was right for her. She prepared herself and her family. She planned for it. She chose when and how and did it on her terms.